Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nobody Knows me At all

I had a great activity planned for today which didn't really fly. I only had 16 in group today and most of them were the less cognitively alert residents, so we sang songs from the spiritual song book instead and I will save this group for the week I get back.

I have the song by the Weepies called

Nobody Knows Me At All"

When I was a child everybody smiled, nobody knows me at all
Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all
Now I got lots of friends, yes, but then again, nobody knows me at all
Kids and a wife, it's a beautiful life, nobody knows me at all
And oh when the lights are low Oh with someone
I don't knowI don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all
Ah, what can you do? There's nobody like you. Nobody knows me at all
I know how you feel, no secrets to reveal, nobody knows me at all
Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all
Nobody knows me, nobody knows me, nobody knows me at allody knows me at all"

I planned to alter the line with Damn in it to be sure I didn't offend anyone. My plan was for Social Wellness to get to know folks better and right a song about how we can all know each other. I don't know if I will use the same tune or a different tune, but it seems like a great group...only I will be doing it another day.

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